Registration is Open

Registration is open $475

After 9/14/24 $515

Registration includes classes, all meals-hot breakfast, banquet, playground entertainment and activities including a pizza party at the Home Office and tour of the PTG Foundation Museum.

Classes begin 9/20 at 8 AM and end 9/22 at 12:30 PM

Hotel information: Anyone making room reservations after Sept 9th must make them directly to the hotel:  Call Pancha at 913-338-8609 Mon -Fri.  8:30-4:30

Guestroom and Guestroom rates will be based on availability for any individuals making reservations under the group block after the cut-off date.  Cancellations must be received 48 hrs. prior to arrival or one (1) night room and tax will be assessed.

Get a Fillable PDF form to print and mail with your payment

OR Register Online below
